Celebrating International Women’s Day and the essence of being a woman. I was honored to write this article on behalf of Banjara School of Dance, New Delhi, India. (2021)

international women's day, indian culture, indian beauty, women's day, holistic health, dance, bellydance

What is a “woman”? I have asked myself this question my entire life. Understanding what it means to be a woman has been a lifelong path. From the east to the west I have seen women hide behind many masks; self- assertiveness, obedience, being overly sexual, not being sexual enough, rebelliousness, timidness, and many more masks. I have worn all these masks. These masks protect a women’s most precious gift, her delicate and vulnerable feminine essence.

I became many things in life, a dancer, a professor, a doctor, a sexual assault advocate, a model, a yoga instructor, an entrepreneur, and a mother. I ask myself why did I choose all these things, was it my search to be “feminine”. I had to be caring, sensual, compassionate, intelligent, strong, and wise to do each of these things. These roles originated from the broken aspects of being “feminine”. First I had to learn the wounds of being a female before I could learn to become a woman.

I learned how to be controlled. I learned to be a possession. I learned to be small. I learned to be weak. I learned to feel unsafe. I learned to be an object. I learned through abuse. I learned through cultural barriers. I learned through child loss. These were also aspects of being a female I had to respect and honor. I had to understand all this before I could understand where strength and softness comes from in a woman.

I had to undo this learning. I had to feel the pain before I could feel how sacred my heart and body have always been. All of these things embody being a woman. I am proud of it all, because now I know the beauty of a woman’s soul, the beauty of my own soul. 

women's day, bellydance, banjara dance school, beautiful woman, international women's day

Why did I become all these things? Celebration. All these things are simply a platform for me to celebrate being a woman. When I’m in my body, when I dance, I feel my life. I celebrate my past, my child, my sexuality, and my freedom. My movements, my body, my face, tell my story. A story of all women from the beginning of time.  Bellydancing is an exploration of my sensuality where my feelings are expressed through my hips and my eyes.

Dance has been my ally since I was a little girl. I danced to express myself when I couldn’t express myself in words. I danced to release emotions I didn’t understand. I danced to free myself, to travel to other times and realities. Dance has been my savior and my best friend. Through her, I forget everything in this world and all that exists is my truth. 

So what is a “woman”? She is Love. I celebrate myself in all women and all women within me. Look into a woman’s eyes and allow yourself to melt into her. You will see the truth and you will feel what love is. When I see another woman, I bow my head in respect to her sweetness and strength. I am blessed to have been born into such a beautiful incarnation of the Divine.

For Banjara Dance School and Women everywhere…

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Image 1: @aperinastudios, Image 2: @amishthakkar, Image 3: Rupant Dangwal @rdfotog