July 21, 2019

Add a twist of lemon to your life..

Lemons are one of nature’s finest medicines. They were originally cultivated in northwest India. In Ayurvedic medicine, one of the world’s oldest healing systems, lemons have been used for thousands of years as a preventative and curative agent.

Drinking a glass of lukewarm water with a twist of lemon in the morning has substantial benefits on the body. The lukewarm water extracts more nutrients from the lemon and allows for improved digestion.

Here are just a few reasons why drinking warm water with lemon first thing in the morning is recommended.

a twist of lemon, lemon water, ayurveda, beautiful skin, healthy skin, increase collagen

Beautiful Skin

The Vitamin C in lemons promotes collagen production and keeps the skin looking young and healthy. Toxins are purged from the system keeping the skin clear. You can use the lemon directly on your skin for blemishes or irregularities. The citric acid in the lemon improves complexion.

Strong Immune system

White blood cells, the cells that fight viruses and bacteria, are increased from a twist of lemon every morning. Drink lemon water to prevent and treat colds and flus.

Improves Digestion

Warm lemon water stimulates contractions in the intestinal walls to move nutrients along and flush out toxins. The citric acid in lemons prevent heartburn. Pectin, a carbohydrate containing fiber, is also found in lemons. This aids in proper gastrointestinal function and digestion.

Healthy Kidneys

The citric acid and potassium in lemons cleans out toxins in the kidneys keeping the urinary tract healthy. This also prevents and treats kidney stones. 

Healthy Liver

A group of metabolites, called flavonoids, are founds in lemons. These flavonoids, along with Vitamin C in lemons, reduce oxidative stress on the liver. Flavonoids also reduce liver inflammation. The citric acid allows for the liver to be cleansed from toxins.

Improves Breathing

The flavonoids in lemons act as an antihistamine preventing inflammation caused by allergies. The Vitamin C is an antioxidant improving lung health and treats COPD (Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)

Healthy Weight

Metabolism, process in which the body burns fuel for energy, is increased with lemon water. Lemon water contains electrolytes, essential minerals, that are used in the metabolic process. These electrolytes maintain hydration and improve metabolism to maintain a healthy weight.

honey, benefits of honey, twist of lemon, ayurveda, lemon water

Add a little sweetness!

Add honey! Adding honey to your twist of lemon will make it sweeter and add more health benefits. It’s best to use raw honey, preferably local. Intaking local honey will provide natural immunity to allergens in your area. 

Other benefits of adding this sweet nectar: 

  1. Contains antioxidants. These include phenolic acids and flavonoids. This allows for healthy skin and strong immune system.
  2. Contains vitamins and minerals such as: B6, thiamin, niacin, riboflavin, amino acids, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, iron, calcium, sodium, and zinc.
  3. Contains anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties
  4. Contains a natural hydrogen peroxide, good for treating wounds
  5. Contains enzymes, such as amylase, that improve digestion and prevent acid reflux
  6. Contains antioxidants and is known as a demulcent, which forms a protective coat, for treating sore throat 

Start your day with a cup of warm water with honey and a twist of lemon. You will feel the benefits form the simple ancient practice.

~ Puja

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