About Puja Goel

Puja Goel photo for APSARA Balanced Health

Puja S. Goel, O.D., F.A.A.O., R.Y.T

Born in Northern India, Puja immigrated to the United States as a young girl. Through her upbringing, she was raised with the philosophy and practice of yoga. Eventually, she became a certified Iyengar instructor. (Iyengar yoga, developed by B.K.S. Iyengar, is a form of yoga with emphasis on safe alignment, posture, and breath control.) She has taught workshops and classes in several countries. Puja also has a background in other eastern sciences such as Acupuncture and Ayurvedic medicine.

In 2006, Puja completed a doctorate in optometry and is a practicing optometric physician. She went on to complete a residency in pediatric eye care and ocular disease.

She has practiced in private offices, clinics, and Veteran’s hospitals across the United States. Puja is actively involved in patient care in developing countries through non profit organizations.

She also had specialized training as a sexual assault advocate. For years she worked as an advocate on various client cases.

Puja is passionate about creating balanced emotional and physical health. She created this holistic health program in respect to her culture and in honor of her family.