Nourish yourself with Food for the Chakras! Food is medicine. Eating consciously is a way to respect and listen to our bodies. By working in harmony with the needs of our body and the science of our body, we can nourish ourselves in ways that allow us to live vibrantly.

Chakras (“wheels”) are nerve plexuses, or energy vortexes, that run along the spinal cord. Each Chakra houses specific organs, tissues, immune function, and emotions. Each one of these energy centers needs specific nutrients to function powerfully.

We can feed each Chakra by understanding the tissues and organs related to each energy center. We can provide nutrients to allow each tissue of the body to heal and perform optimally.

We can also use different colors of food to heal the body! Color is a vibration. Each Chakra in our body resonates at specific vibrations. Lower chakras vibrate at lower frequencies, which produce warmer colors and higher chakras vibrate at higher frequencies, which produce cooler colors. We can consume foods with warmer colors (red, orange, yellow) to heal the lower body, and we can consume foods with cooler colors (green, blue, violet) to heal the upper body.

Try out these recipes for the Chakras. Enjoy learning and experimenting with foods to heal your body! Bon appetit!

Some Food Basics – Great for all Chakras


Turmeric is a flowering plant, Circuma longa, found in the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia. Known as “haldee” in Hindi, this plant species has been used for thousands of years in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine. 

The root of this plant is where we find the orange yellow powder with its incredible healing properties. This powder is used in cooking to receive its benefits, but can also be used externally on the skin. Some of the amazing healing benefits of turmeric are: its an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, improves brain health, improves skin health, enhances immune system, treats diabetes, improves heart health, reduces retinal degeneration within the eye, and improves depression. Turmeric brings healing and vitality to the entire body!

food for the chakras. turmeric. ayurveda.

How do you use turmeric? Well, there is always a capsule you can take daily, however I recommend adding turmeric to your food. The nutrients of turmeric blended in with other food sources amplifies the healing properties and allows the body to absorb the nutrients more fully. You can add 1-2 teaspoons of turmeric to most dishes such as vegetables, soups, curries, and marinades. You can also add it into smoothies, tea, and even a glass of warm milk! 

This fresh spice is a miracle all around! It is truly a natural and powerful medicine for the body. 


Svadhisthana “Sweet Abode” Sacral Chakra

Dark Chocolate Cinnamon Cake

Stimulate the Sacral plexus with this sultry dark chocolate cinnamon cake recipe! We energize our center of sensuality, creativity, and pleasure…

Manipura “Lustrous Gem” Solar Chakra

Lemon Rice with Coconut Milk Raita

This tasty and zestful dish stimulates and heals the Solar plexus to activate passion, drive, and your inner radiance!…

Title image by @ja_ma (Unplash) Barcelona, Spain, Turmeric image @prachipalwi