Bella Belly – A beautiful belly
Maintaining a bella belly – beautiful belly keeps the body functioning properly. Around 70-80% of the immune system lies within the gut. Too much fat can effect normal organ function. However, a little softness in the belly can be a good thing, especially for women.
Having a lean stomach takes more than just eating right and an abs workout. Even the right diet and exercise can still leave you with excess belly fat. Eating healthy and regular exercise is important, but there is something deeper.
Research indicates humans hold emotions and beliefs in specific tissues in the body. In a 2014 study, participants were given stimuli through images and sound. Locations in the body where emotions were felt were documented on heat maps. Regardless of gender or culture, participants felt the same emotions (energy) in similar tissues in the body.
We are energy. In eastern/Indian philosophy there are seven energy centers in the body called Chakras or “wheels” in Sanskrit. These energy centers regulate processes in the body, which include organ function, immunity, and emotions. “Blocks” in these energy centers can lead to mental and physical imbalances.
When it comes to belly fat, the energy centers with the most blocks are the Muladhara (Root) and Svadhisthana (Sacral) chakras.
Muladhara (Root) Chakra
“Mula=Root”, “Adhara=Support”
Located at the base of the spine, pelvic floor, and the first three vertebrae, Muladhara chakra gives a sense of safety and security in the world. This includes physical safety and financial security.
Blocked energy in this chakra can lead to metabolic issues (undereating/overeating), clumsiness, arthritis, and sleep disorders.
When it comes to the belly, emotional or energetic blocks in this center are related to safety. If we feel unsafe or insecure in our environment, the body can respond by putting on extra weight for protection.
Svadhisthana (Sacral) Chakra
“Swa=one’s own,” “Adhisthana=abode/seat”
Located above the pubic bone and below the navel, encompasses the genital region. This includes connection to family, romantic partners, creativity, sensuality, and joy.
Emotions stored in this area of the body are jealousy, abandonment, and, rejection. Physical imbalances include addictions, infertility, impotence, menstrual issues, kidney and bladder infections, and lower back pain.
When it comes to the belly, excess weight can happen from deep feelings of rejection. Beliefs of feeling unwanted to unattractive can physically cause the body to put on extra fat.
Most of these are unconscious beliefs held within the nervous system. Here are some ways to naturally release these beliefs from the body.
Bella Belly
The sacral energy center is fluid. Water moves energy. Taking a bath, swimming, being in natural waters, opens the sacral area allowing you to feel nurtured, sensual, and playful.
Walking or hiking in nature connects you to your environment. This allows you to feel safe, protected, and allows for a healthy relationship with your surroundings.
Dancing freely, especially to a drumbeat, opens up both these energy centers. This allows for a healthier connection to your body.
Our deepest wounds of trauma, loneliness, and rejection are held in the sacral area. Intimacy releases these wounds. This allows you to feel more desirable, joyful, and loved,
We are made of vibration. The sound frequencies that open and heal the root and sacral areas are 396 Hz and 417 Hz. Listen to music at these frequencies to balance the lower body.
Yoga Asanas
A full body yoga practice can positively impact all energy centers in body. Here is one yoga asana that you can do at home that opens and heals the sacral area.
Utthan Pristhasana/Lizard Pose
Benefits: Opens pelvis and stimulates sexual organs. Stretches groins and inner thighs. Stimulates deep emotions related to affection.
For a bella belly, a beautiful belly, try these activities to feel safe, joyful, and sensual. When you feel healthy and beautiful, your body becomes healthy and beautiful.
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Reference: PNAS Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences; published 2014; Lauri Nummenmaa, Enrico Glerean, Riitta Hari, and Jari K. Hietanen